Information about Bird Flu
Information about avian flu, that the timeliness of the night may be different, what you have read in the reports of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization. In fact you will find that there are a variety of views about the existence of a need or interest in the need to protect the bird flu to the public.
Information about avian influenza and the most important facts from the CDC are simple, but sometimes difficult for a layman to understand. The things that most people want to know how you can easily and efforts, if any, should be taken to the bird flu. Avian Influenza information from the CDC reports are very detailed about the different strains of the virus and the manner in which the effect of different strains of birds, wild and domestic pigs. They make recommendations about the bird flu to protect the people in the United States.
It is not necessary that the average person to wear surgical mask for avian flu to protect the public in general. According to the latest information about the bird flu virus, as it currently is not very contagious between humans, which means that even if you have arrived, with someone who has been infected, the chance that you are infected is very low. The only cases of human contact with the other, until they were near their family living under one roof with an infected person, and even then not everyone in the family has been infected.
It is not to avoid consumption of poultry or eggs to protect against bird flu. It is prohibited in the United States against the importation of poultry from areas affected by avian flu. The information, which currently does not mean that every person has been infected eat well cooked poultry or eggs. Even if you have something like the purchase of poultry in the U.S., which has been infected, if the treatment according to the recommendations that you would normally do to prevent food poisoning is not infected. To protect against bird flu or the protection of another infection, poultry must be cooked at a temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit, and the eggs are cooked until the yellow and white farms.
It is not necessary for a variety of wild birds or domestic goods or for the protection against bird flu, according to the latest information on avian influenza at the CDC. You should avoid the handling of dead birds with the avian flu protection.
In the U.S., the best protection against bird flu or the protection against viruses and diseases of any kind is to do everything possible to ensure a healthy immune system. The latest information on avian influenza, the number of human deaths in other countries, is sad and frightening, but the living conditions in other countries are very different, living in the United States. The health of the people are not good and many people who thought the death of the birds in their homeland. The rehabilitation is very poor in these countries. In the United States if the appropriate precautions to protect your health in any case not required to make further efforts to protect against bird flu.
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