What is Influenza Epidemic
The specialization of experts in infectious diseases, in an understanding of the complexities of different pathogens and cause serious or even fatal, infections in humans. It is envisaged that the epidemic by a H5N1 strain of bird flu should an alarm signal for the treatment of this important issue. The flu can be the body particularly sensitive to certain types of bacteria that are well developed and could be an engine for a global pandemic could trigger. These bacteria are toxin-producing regions of Staphylococcus aureus, some of which May, several antibiotic resistance, particularly methicillin.
Research from 1918 during the flu epidemic is clearly a component of the virus to initiate the disease. However, there is evidence that the bacteria are responsible for a broad "the severity of secondary complications of the lungs" and "Cause of death". The idea of a mixed infection often in the letter from a military doctor the 1919th
"Deven camp is in the vicinity of Boston, and has about 50,000 men, or, before that outbreak looseconnection .... The epidemic started about four weeks, and has so rapidly that the camp is demoralized and all ordinary, until now. .. .. The men start with what seems a simple LaGrippe attack or the flu, and when to the hospital. grow very quickly that the viscous type of pneumonia, which was never seen it. Two hours after recording, they have the mahogany on the bones of the jaws, and a few hours later, you can begin to see the Cyanosis extending ears and across the face, it is difficult to distinguish between the white men. This is only a matter of hours, until death comes, and it is simply a struggle for air until they suffocate. It's terrible. It may be one, two or twenty people die, but to see these poor devils are like the flies of the genus in the nerves . We have an average of 100 deaths per day, and forever. There is no doubt in my mind that there is a new alliance of infection, but II do not know. "
Among the bacteria cultured as pneumococcus, streptococcus and staphylococcus. Although the H1N1 flu virus have been recovered the victims of the epidemic of 1918 There have been no studies on possible bacteria produce toxins that time.
The vast majority of bacteria presents no threat to mankind. The bacteria may be infected with their own ensembles of viruses, some of which have the production capacity of the toxin of another relatively harmless bacteria. Bacteria, viruses may also have the ability of bacteria to certain antibiotics. The combination of the toxin production capacity of antibiotic resistance occurs particularly in Staphylococcus aureus. Main concern is the complex toxin known as Panton-Valintine-Leucocidin or PVL. This toxin can neutralize the host inflammatory response directly kill the white blood cells (leukocytes). The toxin can also destroy healthy tissue in other words, if the bacteria produce toxins can penetrate into the tissues. PVL toxin in sensitive bacteria to antibiotics.
The antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a consequence of the genetics of the bacteria survive in patients with various antibiotics. These resistance genes to be common, especially if they are viruses that infect bacteria. The development of these bacteria are located mainly in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. In fact, an important risk factor for hospitalization is the acquisition of many bacteria resistant to antibiotics. The phenomenon is well documented, from Staphylococcus aureus. Initially, very sensitive to penicillin, antibiotics type (so-called beta-lactamase and, together with an antibiotic methicillin), the hospital has many Staphylococcus aureus are resistant to methicillin. They are also resistant to many other types of antibiotics used in hospital. An example of a resistance to antibiotics, toxic last resort "(vancomycin) appears in the Staphylococcus aureus and other bacteria, in some hospitals.
The toxin PVL Staphylococcus aureus was on the way to resist antibiotics. At present, most municipalities are bound by the strains of methicillin (MRSA AC). Over time it will be against a variety of antibiotics, the exchange of genetic information of bacteria with the hospitals (HA-MRSA). The only obstacle left for a wide range of serious infection, is the substance that is usually non-invasive method that Staphylococcus aureus. Influenza infection can provide an opportunity for the cells to destroy all of the respiratory tract. Examples of diseases in a combination of the ordinary flu with CA-MRSA have been associated with a small idea of what could happen before an influenza pandemic are resistant to antibiotics PVL-producing bacteria and toxins. Worse still, this is just an example of the great dangers from pathogens into a facility for biological warfare against humanity and their animals.
What to do? Everything is an attack on the aspect of the production of toxins and / or bacteria with antibiotics. There are financial incentives for the development of new antibiotics to replace, where the resistance grew. This approach should be a common place for the prevention of infection by the rehabilitation of areas in which the harmful bacteria.
The lack of knowledge of the strategies for decontamination between the government and those responsible for public health is evident in its recommendations for the use of alcohol just to wash their hands and too short duration of action oxidizers such as chlorine. Much more is the use of staff such as phenols and their derivatives are capable of the continued existence of many antibacterial months. Monitoring the production of toxins and bacteria resistant to antibiotics which are needed in hospitals and places where large numbers of people are produced. For example, prisons, schools, churches, sports and jobs, in which the skin is the trauma can be found. A program for health, offers Preventec Inc. in Atlanta, GA, should be in these establishments and their impact monitored.
The advantages of this type of program can be applied to other types of pathogens, including viruses and fungi. A further complication of the flu epidemic of 1918 was the last occurrence of neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease, as known as encephalitis Lethargic. Underestimate the investigation is a herpes-type virus in this disease. The swine flu vaccine has a number of other neurological disorders, including Guillain-Barré syndrome, which is also linked to the virus from activating. Viruses are not actually by the immune system are in the community.
Stealth-adapted viruses known, with certainty the outbreak of infectious disease experience in the community with neurological symptoms and / or psychiatric events. Bacterial genes in cultures of stealth-adapted viruses and atypical bacteria were isolated from camouflage suitable for patients infected with the virus. Viter The term refers to viruses that overcome the barrier between genetics and bacteria of human or animal cells.
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